A Practical Real-Time Model for Diffraction on Rough Surfaces
Olaf Clausen, Martin Mišiak, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Ricardo Marroquim and Marc Erich Latoschik
In: Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT), vol. 13, no. 1, 1-27, 2024

Wave optics phenomena have a significant impact on the visual appearance of rough conductive surfaces even when illuminated with partially coherent light. Recent models address these phenomena, but none is real-time capable due to the complexity of the underlying physics equations. We provide a practical real-time model, building on the measurements and model by Clausen et al. [2023], that approximates diffraction-induced wavelength shifts and speckle patterns with only a small computational overhead compared to the popular Cook-Torrance GGX model. Our model is suitable for Virtual Reality applications, as it contains domain-specific improvements to address the issues of aliasing and highlight disparity.
Unity VR-Demo
Unity Source Code