SVEn – Shared Virtual Environment

SVEn – Shared Virtual Environment

This paper presents a system for a shared virtual experience which was developed within a student project. The main idea is to have two or more persons at different locations, who can interact with each other in the same virtual environment. In order to realize this idea every person is motion-captured and wears a head-mounted display (HMD). The virtual environment is rendered with the Unity game engine and the tracked positions are updated via the internet. The virtual environment developed in this project is highly immersive and users felt a strong sense of presence.

Interaktive 3D Visualisierung

Inzwischen ermöglichen neue Algorithmen und hoch entwickelte GPUs das Rendering mit physikalisch basierten Modellen, wodurch die Darstellungsqualität realistisch geworden ist. Gleichzeitig kann die Geometrie mittels Echtzeitsimulation dynamisch verformt werden, so dass der Anwender sich nicht nur in der 3D Szene interaktiv bewegen, sondern diese auch sofort verändern kann.

Real-Time Collision Detection for Dynamic Virtual Environments

Real-Time Collision Detection for Dynamic Virtual Environments

Collision detection is an enabling technology for many virtual environments, games, and virtual prototyping applications containing some kind of physically-based simulation (such as rigid bodies, cloth, surgery, etc.). This tutorial will give an overview of the different classes of algorithms, and then provide attendees with in-depth knowledge of some of the important algorithms within each class.