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This learning module deals with the dot product. A very useful scalar which contains information about the angle between two vectors.

Homeomorphic objects can be transformed into each other without changing the connections between their vertices.

Discover how the combination of different transformations affect a cube.

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Take a closer look on the phenomenon of the gimbal lock!

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Learn everything about perspective ond orthogonal view frustums!

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The barycentric coordinate system is often used in computer graphics.
It's not that complicated, just try it out.

Write your own simple shader and test various preset shaders.
Learn the difference between per-vertex and a per-fragment lighting.

Textures are used to add more detail to a virtual world. There are different ways to filter up- and downscaled textures.

Mipmaps are optimised downscaled versions of a texture. They are precalculated and used to reduce aliasing effects at different distances. Thes module also shows the effect of anisotopic filtering.

Environment mapping is a technique to improve the rendering of materials by generating plausible reflections. Therefore, several pictures of a 360° environment packed into a cube or spherical map are used.

A BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function) defines the amount of light (radiance) a surface reflects depending on incoming and outgoing light directions.